Monsters show …

2 min readDec 11, 2021


picture by “ Erik Mclean” on pexels

And Suddenly … within my happiness that I created … within the beautiful world i live in with my people …I looked around me … stared for a moment … I saw something black .. dark .. a darkness that killing my butterflies … everything changed … i don’t know what happened … I saw monsters running around me … screaming … and yelling at me … the darkness filled my room for the first time after a long period … my lights are all off … I still don’t know what happened… my friends … family.. the people in the streets .. were all silent .. and sad …

I went out from my room .. walking here and there around the house searching about any light … any light to kill all these monsters … I asked my mom .. my dad .. my siblings to search for a light for me .. but I found them all victims for their own monsters … they needed the light more than me … but how can I find a light in a house built from black stones … in a destroyed place ?? …

Maybe I should create the lights by my hands … from scratch … again … as I did before …

But now it’s so hard .. it’s so much harder than before …

I want to kill all these monsters … and theirs before mines … I can’t see my lovely ones suffering .. but what can I do ?? is it life ?? is it sometimes white and sometimes black ??

can it change at any time? .. any moment … life can turn totally in any time … everything may change in a second …

But sometimes our need for happiness deny us to accept this truth … we don’t accept the changes that happen in our lives … i know it’s so hard to wake up and find everything different … but life isn’t perfect … everything in this life is temporary .. everything ..

I don’t know when this “ monsters show “ will end … but I know that it will … we will feel the happiness again … as it has happened before …




Expressing my random thoughts here .. follow me 🦋🤍