Do you really care about what other people say ??
We were created in a world that compels us from a young age to think about what other people will say about us … to think about others before thinking about our happiness.. They trained us from childhood on fear.. discreetness.. and ashamed of ourselves.. ashamed of who we really are.. we learned from childhood how to make masks Too much to hide our reality that people do not like… But for how long?? How long will we keep cheating on each other??

Do you care about what others say about you ??
If you must listen to me matter what you will do in your will not get rid of people’s words ..
if you are skinny ..they will say you’re poor ..
if you are fat ..they will bully your body shape.. and I still don’t know who interpreted the word fat as ugly? …
If you gain an important social position, they will say that you are arrogant..
if you were a normal person.. they will say that you are a failure..
so Why do you care about some people who will forget your existence after 5 minutes?? Why you’re holding back your happiness for a trivial group of people…
A lot of people express their opinions without awareness.. they tell you don’t do this because you will not succeed and in fact, they don’t know anything at all.. they don’t know the determination and talent that you have towards that thing.. so you don’t hear from them.. you know yourself and your abilities .. trust yourself ….
Believe in yourself.. you deserve it..
Look at all those who hindered their lives and their goals just to get some recommendations from people around them.. they walked in a path that they don’t belong to … for their parents .. their friends.. their community.. look at them now … are they happy on their way? ? Look at the people who were clapping for them.. Look at their parents at the end of the tunnel .. Are they all interested?? No.. they applauded for them at first, and after five minutes they forgot their existence.. and they kept burning in that path that suffocates them every day until the end of their lives..
Or look at the one who does not want to hear people’s criticism he does what they want to get rid of their words .. look at those people .. are they concerned if he is happy after he applied their advice??
Certainly not.. because they completed their work.. they spoke, criticized, ridiculed and had fun.. then they returned to their homes.. they destroyed another person.. and that person is the one who suffers for them.. they have basically forgotten his existence..
Don’t be one of these people. Draw your own life.. Draw what you love in that drawing.. The person you want to become and it doesn’t matter if the people around you accept you or not .. Whoever really loves you will accept you in all your situations.. will want you to be happy.. and These are the only people that you should put in your circle..and throw everyone who tries to destroy you..
Wear what you what you love in public.. study the speciality that interests you and you really love.. not the one that brings you a lot of money.. and when they laugh at you.. laugh at their insignificance and go back and enjoy what you do.. enjoy The life you want.. not the one your parents or your friends want..
And always remember.. believe in yourself.. you are very valuable.. and you own the world within you..