A big nightmare…
Everything in this life is temporary .. everything may change in a second ..

Imagine with me .. one day you wake up … you found everything changed … somethings in your life are replaced .. you think that it’s a dream .. but unfortunately it’s not … you walk around the house crushing your head into the wall maybe something can wake u up from this nightmare … but nothing changes … you stare at everything unexpected that is happening around you .. trying to face this new life … trying to convince yourself that the whole life you lived was a dream .. all these memories , moments , places , were all a dream .. a beautiful dream .. but now this is the end …
What do you do now ? how can you accept this ? how much time you’ll take to forget and forgive ??
i know It’s not easy.. picking yourself up from this big war is a miracle .. it needs a huge power .. you need a big strength to heal your heart … but remember , you have that power !!!! because if you don’t .. god will never put you in this hardship .. if he knows that you’re weak .. he would never put you in this war ..
we live with evils people in a same planet … peoples whom love to break others humans being … they find a pleasure when they crush a person down …
Why they can’t just being honest and loyal ?
Why we keep falling victims for these evils ?
because these evils are victims .. victims for their own monsters ... their evil touches everyone in their lives .. their evil is what makes them toxic .. that’s what makes them demons...
they teach us that everything is temporary .. nothing is forever .. nothing continues .. there’s an end for everything .. they teach us to not trust … they teach us how to be strong …
but Now .. we can’t do anything .. but tell me .. after this shock how could you trust again ? how could you love again ? how could you move on ? how could you laugh from your heart again ?!